This is where I write about my life. Marriage, children, faith, and coming to the realization that as long as I have those three things...I am home. No matter where that is.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Thousand Words

That is what this is worth to me. My husband worked over 12 hours today, and has to be at work by 4:00 tomorrow morning. He came in tonight, ate dinner, and played with the girls for a few minutes before he completely zonked out on the couch. Sarah saw that Daddy was "taking a nap" and brought all of her bed buddies and her ballerina blanket and tucked Daddy in. Oreo is on top of Daddy's head. He is snuggling with Ruby, and there are 3 more under that blanket! She then turned out all the lights and instructed me and Rylee, "Shhh...Daddy needs his rest." I adore that little girl and her wide open, tender heart! And, I adore that man for working himself to a frazzle for us. Oh, and I adore Rylee for planting sweet, slobbery smooches on Daddy's face in the midst of all the "tucking in". Wish I had gotten a picture of that.

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