This is where I write about my life. Marriage, children, faith, and coming to the realization that as long as I have those three things...I am home. No matter where that is.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Special Birthday

October 30th, 1991...the day that I was born AGAIN.

It was the day before Halloween when I was 8 years old. My Mom and I were going to church for the Wednesday night service. All the children were having a special class in the nursery with Mrs. Patsy Moates and Miss Michelle Moates. I don't remember all of the lesson that was taught. I just remember the part where they talked about salvation, and the tugging I felt at my heart. There was a long wooden bench at the front of the room, and that night it was used as an alter. When the class came to a close and it was time for prayer a few of the other kids and I went to that alter and gave our hearts to the Lord. I remember clearly the prayer that Mrs. Patsy prayed with me.

That was 19 years ago, and I still feel His mercy as strong as I did that night in a little country church nursery.

Many things have come along in nineteen years, and I have strayed at times. I have done things I am not proud of, things that I know He isn't proud of either. But, in all the doubts about myself, I have never once doubted God's love for me.

There have been times of sorrow and unbelievable grief when I have wondered where God was and even asked Him "Why?". But, I always felt the whisper to my spirit saying, "I've been right here the whole time. I will never leave you, and I will NEVER forsake you."

There has been incredible joy and beautiful blessings poured down on me. God has given me an incredible family. A husband that I cherish, and two healthy, beautiful children that I marvel at on a daily basis. They are truly my greatest joy. I am so thankful for the blessings, and I know that "every good and perfect gift is from above".

My Heavenly Father has been with me at the peak of every mountain and in the deepest darkest valleys. I am completely unworthy of such love and forgiveness, but I am so thankful for it.

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